Maximizing Revenue: Effective Strategies for Small Bill Collection Follow-ups

Surveys show that 40% of businesses make no attempt at all to follow up on unpaid invoices, and even those that do spend just two weeks every year doing so.
It's even more surprising that 10% of all invoices are never paid for and written off as bad debt. As a result, collection teams are almost always overburdened with work and end up focusing on the larger invoices while ignoring the smaller ones.
While it might seem justifiable at first glance, these small bills often add up to become a significant portion of a company's revenue. Ignoring these small bills can negatively impact a business's cash flow and also their customer relationships.
In this ebook, we will dive deeper into this problem and share strategies on how to overcome it. We have also explored how AI can help circumvent this problem for your business.
Download the ebook now!